Phase 2 Contruction

Traffic Map

Good Afternoon, Desert Hills Families,

On Monday, August 5th we will begin Phase II of our renovation. I am attaching a traffic pattern map for parking, student drop-off, and student pick-up. There will be no access to front of the building parking beginning on Monday. You can find a copy of the map below.

3rd – 5th grade student drop-off and pick-up will remain the same. Parents can park in the lot next door and walk their student(s) to the gate. The gate will be opened at 7:30.

NMPre K – 2nd grade will enter from Roadrunner Parkway and proceed following the green arrows on the map to drop-off a student or park and walk their student(s) to the new addition entrance. For pick-up, parents will park and go to the new addition building to pick-up their student(s). Younger students who have siblings in grades 3, 4, or 5 will continue to be escorted to their older sibling’s classroom for pick-up. When leaving campus, you will only be permitted to turn right. The busses will only turn left.

Students who walk to school will cross at the same cross walk and continue walking on the sidewalk to the gate at the intermediate playground. Please follow the green arrows on the map. Students that walk home after school will be escorted by a staff member to the crosswalk.

We thank you for your continued support as we navigate through Phase II of construction. Please be patient and kind to one another. If you have any concerns, please notify administration. The safety of our students is always at the forefront of our decisions.


Desert Hills Administration

Traffic Plan